Sparcstation 5

Computing > Network > Unix
Computing > Desktop PCs

This is a working 64Mb sparcstation 5 with a fresh install of SunOS 5.8.

cimg1468.jpg cimg1469.jpg cimg1471.jpg

cimg1473.jpg cimg1474.jpg cimg1475.jpg

There is no internal floppy drive or CDROM drive although it does have a CGSIX graphics card.

There is no password on the root user so just press return when prompted for one.

For technical specification see:

Boot up sequence

MB86907 POST 2.2.3 03SEP96

Probing system memory: 32 32  0  0  0  0  0  0
Config = 8800000A
512Kb ecache detected
1.1.1  mem    ram          walking ones             Pass
1.1.2  mem    ram          address                  Pass
1.1.3  mem    ram          post r/w region          Pass
1.1.4  mem    ram          obp r/w region           Pass
1.2.1  mem    control      parity                   Pass
2.1.1  srmmu  regs         read/write               Pass
2.2.1  srmmu  ram          io-tlb                   Pass
2.2.2  srmmu  ram          d-tlb                    Pass
2.2.3  srmmu  ram          pdt cache                Pass
3.1.1  iommu  reg          read/write               Pass
3.1.2  iommu  reg          flush individual         Pass
3.1.3  iommu  reg          flush all                Pass
3.2.1  iommu  timeout      ebus                     Pass
3.2.2  iommu  timeout      sbus                     Pass
4.1.1  fpu    reg          regfile                  Pass
4.1.2  fpu    reg          misalign                 Pass
4.1.3  fpu    reg          single precision         Pass
4.1.4  fpu    reg          double precision         Pass
4.2.1  fpu    exceptions   single precision         Pass
4.2.2  fpu    exceptions   double precision         Pass
5.1.1  cache  dcache       ram                      Pass
5.1.2  cache  dcache       address                  Pass
5.1.3  cache  dcache       tag                      Pass
5.1.4  cache  dcache       clear                    Pass
5.2.1  cache  icache       ram                      Pass
5.2.2  cache  icache       address                  Pass
5.2.3  cache  icache       tag                      Pass
5.2.4  cache  icache       clear                    Pass
5.3.1  cache  ecache       ram                      Pass
5.3.2  cache  ecache       address                  Pass
5.3.3  cache  ecache       tag                      Pass
5.4.1  cache  snoop        ram                      Pass
6.1.1  i/o    counters     processor user timer     Pass
6.1.2  i/o    counters     processor counter        Pass
6.1.3  i/o    counters     system counter           Pass
6.2.1  i/o    lance        getid                    Pass
6.2.2  i/o    lance        csr                      Pass
6.2.3  i/o    lance        rap                      Pass
6.2.4  i/o    lance        rdp                      Pass
6.3.1  i/o    esp          register r/w             Pass
6.3.2  i/o    esp          config reg               Pass
6.3.3  i/o    esp          fifo access              Pass
6.3.4  i/o    esp          command reg              Pass
6.4.1  i/o    pp           register access          Pass
6.4.2  i/o    pp           io readback              Pass
6.4.3  i/o    pp           tcr readback             Pass
6.5.1  i/o    tod          regs test                Pass
6.5.2  i/o    tod          nvram access             Pass
7.1.1  intr   regs         sys                      Pass
7.1.2  intr   regs         proc                     Pass
7.2.1  intr   software     interrupts disabled      Pass
7.2.2  intr   software     interrupts enabled       Pass
7.2.3  intr   software     multi                    Pass
7.3.1  intr   pp           Interrupts               Pass
7.4.1  intr   timer        system counter           Pass
7.4.2  intr   timer        process counter          Pass
8.1.1  dma    apc          bypass                   Pass

SPARCstation 5, No Keyboard
ROM Rev. 2.28, 64 MB memory installed, Serial #8855084.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:87:1e:2c, Host ID: 80871e2c.

Boot device: /iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0  File and args:
SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-13 32-bit
Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
configuring IPv4 interfaces: le0.
Hostname: ss5a
le0: No carrier - cable disconnected or hub link test disabled?
The system is coming up.  Please wait.
checking ufs filesystems
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7: is clean.
starting rpc services: rpcbind done.
Setting netmask of le0 to
Setting default IPv4 interface for multicast: add net 224.0/4: gateway ss5a
syslog service starting.
le0: No carrier - cable disconnected or hub link test disabled?
The system is ready.

ss5a console login: root
Feb 23 23:31:05 ss5a login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console
Last login: Sat Feb 23 23:25:19 on console
Sun Microsystems Inc.   SunOS 5.8       Generic Patch   October 2001

The disk is in fine.

# iostat -E
sd3      Soft Errors: 0 Hard Errors: 0 Transport Errors: 0
Vendor: IBM      Product: DCAS32160SUN2.1G Revision: S60B Serial No: F2513722

Size: 2.13GB <2127708160 bytes>
Media Error: 0 Device Not Ready: 0 No Device: 0 Recoverable: 0
Illegal Request: 0 Predictive Failure Analysis: 0
# df -k
Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0     178335   59207  101295    37%    /
/proc                      0       0       0     0%    /proc
fd                         0       0       0     0%    /dev/fd
mnttab                     0       0       0     0%    /etc/mnttab
swap                  188288       4  188284     1%    /var/run
swap                  188292       8  188284     1%    /tmp
/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s7    1681678       9 1631219     1%    /export/home

Device information:

prtconf -pv
System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4m
Memory size: 64 Megabytes
System Peripherals (PROM Nodes):

Node 0xffd26b90
    model:  'SUNW,501-3059'
    clock-frequency:  0a21fe80
    name:  'SUNW,SPARCstation-5'
    banner-name:  'SPARCstation 5'
    idprom:  01800800.20871e2c.00000000.871e2ca9.00000000.00000000.ff000000.0000
    breakpoint-trap:  0000007f
    compatible: 'sun4m'
    get-unum:  ffd0c7c8
    stdout-path:  '/obio/zs@0,100000:a'
    stdin-path:  '/obio/zs@0,100000:a'

    Node 0xffd28c70
        name:  'packages'

        Node 0xffd39f20
            name:  'disk-label'

        Node 0xffd3a380
            name:  'deblocker'

        Node 0xffd41500
            name:  'obp-tftp'

    Node 0xffd28cc0
        tpe-link-test?:  'true'
        output-device:  'screen'
        input-device:  'keyboard'
        keyboard-click?:  'false'
        ttyb-rts-dtr-off:  'false'
        ttyb-ignore-cd:  'true'
        ttya-rts-dtr-off:  'false'
        ttya-ignore-cd:  'true'
        ttyb-mode:  '9600,8,n,1,-'
        ttya-mode:  '9600,8,n,1,-'
        fcode-debug?:  'false'
        local-mac-address?:  'false'
        screen-#columns:  '80'
        screen-#rows:  '34'
        selftest-#megs:  '1'
        scsi-initiator-id:  '7'
        silent-mode?:  'false'
        auto-boot?:  'false'
        watchdog-reboot?:  'false'
        diag-device:  'net'
        boot-device:  'disk net'
        sbus-probe-list:  '541230'
        use-nvramrc?:  'false'
        sunmon-compat?:  'false'
        security-mode:  'none'
        security-#badlogins:  '0'
        diag-level:  'min'
        oem-logo?:  'false'
        oem-banner?:  'false'
        testarea:  '0'
        mfg-switch?:  'false'
        diag-switch?:  'false'
        name:  'options'

    Node 0xffd28d10
        screen:  '/iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/cgsix@3,0'
        ttyb:  '/obio/zs@0,100000:b'
        ttya:  '/obio/zs@0,100000:a'
        keyboard!:  '/obio/zs@0,0:forcemode'
        keyboard:  '/obio/zs@0,0'
        audio:  '/iommu/sbus/SUNW,CS4231'
        floppy:  '/obio/SUNW,fdtwo'
        scsi:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000'
        net-aui:  '/iommu/sbus/ledma@5,8400010:aui/le@5,8c00000'
        net-tpe:  '/iommu/sbus/ledma@5,8400010:tpe/le@5,8c00000'
        net:  '/iommu/sbus/ledma@5,8400010/le@5,8c00000'
        disk:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0'
        cdrom:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@6,0:d'
        tape:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/st@4,0'
        tape0:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/st@4,0'
        tape1:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/st@5,0'
        disk3:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0'
        disk2:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@2,0'
        disk1:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@1,0'
        disk0:  '/iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@0,0'
        name:  'aliases'

    Node 0xffd31a70
        name:  'openprom'

    Node 0xffd31b00
        address:  ffee8000
        reg:  00000000.10000000.00000300
        page-size:  00001000
        name:  'iommu'

        Node 0xffd31c70
            clock-frequency:  01443fd0
            scsi-initiator-id:  00000007
            address:  ffee7000
            ranges:  00000000.00000000.00000000.20000000.10000000.00000001.00000
            reg:  00000000.10001000.00000028
            slot-address-bits:  0000001c
            burst-sizes:  0000003f
            device_type:  'hierarchical'
            name:  'sbus'

            Node 0xffd47040
                reg:  00000005.08400000.00000010
                name:  'espdma'

                Node 0xffd474c0
                    device_type:  'scsi'
                    clock-frequency:  02625a00
                    intr:  00000024.00000000
                    reg:  00000005.08800000.00000040
                    name:  'esp'

                    Node 0xffd498d0
                        device_type:  'block'
                        name:  'sd'

                    Node 0xffd4a090
                        device_type:  'byte'
                        name:  'st'

            Node 0xffd4a8a0
                reg:  00000005.0c800000.0000001c
                intr:  00000033.00000000
                interrupts:  00000002
                name:  'SUNW,bpp'

            Node 0xffd4b230
                burst-sizes:  0000003f
                reg:  00000005.08400010.00000020
                name:  'ledma'

                Node 0xffd4b610
                    device_type:  'network'
                    busmaster-regval:  00000007
                    intr:  00000026.00000000
                    alias:  'le'
                    reg:  00000005.08c00000.00000004
                    name:  'le'

            Node 0xffd4d4c0
                intr:  00000039.00000000
                reg:  00000004.0c000000.00000040
                device_type:  'serial'
                name:  'SUNW,CS4231'

            Node 0xffd500f0
                reg:  00000004.0a000000.00000010
                name:  'power-management'

            Node 0xffd50170
                character-set:  'ISO8859-1'
                intr:  00000039.00000000
                reg:  00000003.00000000.01000000
                dblbuf:  00000000
                vmsize:  00000001
                depth:  00000008
                height:  00000384
                awidth:  00000480
                linebytes:  00000480
                width:  00000480
                emulation:  'cgsix'
                montype:  00000000
                boardrev:  000000a1
                pixfreq:  05a1f4a0
                hfreq:  0000f195
                vfreq:  00000042
                hbporch:  000000d0
                hsync:  00000080
                hfporch:  00000028
                vbporch:  0000001f
                vsync:  00000004
                vfporch:  00000002
                fbmapped:  00100000
                global-data:  ffef8f10
                oscillators:  '84375000,64125000,108000000,94500000'
                chiprev:  0000000b
                device_type:  'display'
                model:  'SUNW,501-2325'
                name:  'cgsix'

    Node 0xffd31e70
        device_type:  'hierarchical'
        ranges:  00000000.00000000.00000000.71000000.01000000
        name:  'obio'

        Node 0xffd32040
            address:  ffeeb000
            device_type:  'serial'
            slave:  00000000
            intr:  0000002c.00000000
            interrupts:  0000000c
            reg:  00000000.00100000.00000008
            name:  'zs'

        Node 0xffd32120
            address:  ffee4000
            device_type:  'serial'
            slave:  00000001
            intr:  0000002c.00000000
            interrupts:  0000000c
            reg:  00000000.00000000.00000008
            name:  'zs'

        Node 0xffd32260
            address:  ffee9000
            reg:  00000000.00200000.00002000
            model:  'mk48t08'
            name:  'eeprom'

        Node 0xffd322f0
            reg:  00000000.00800000.00000001
            name:  'slavioconfig'

        Node 0xffd32360
            address:  ffee6000
            reg:  00000000.00900000.00000001
            name:  'auxio'

        Node 0xffd323d0
            address:  ffeef000.ffeee000
            reg:  00000000.00d00000.00000010.00000000.00d10000.00000010
            name:  'counter'

        Node 0xffd32450
            address:  ffeed000.ffeec000
            reg:  00000000.00e00000.00000010.00000000.00e10000.00000010
            name:  'interrupt'

        Node 0xffd42d40
            address:  ffee5000
            intr:  00000022.00000000
            interrupts:  00000002
            reg:  00000000.00910000.00000001
            name:  'power'

        Node 0xffd42df0
            status:  'disabled'
            device_type:  'block'
            intr:  0000002b.00000000
            interrupts:  0000000b
            reg:  00000000.00400000.00000008
            name:  'SUNW,fdtwo'

    Node 0xffd32d70
        reg:  00000000.00000000.02000000.00000000.02000000.02000000
        available:  00000000.03f8f000.00013000.00000000.00000000.039e7000
        name:  'memory'

    Node 0xffd32e80
        available:  00000000.fff00000.00100000.00000000.fef00000.00e00000.000000
        reg:  00000000.00000000.80000000.00000000.80000000.80000000
        name:  'virtual-memory'

    Node 0xffd461e0
        context-table:  00000000.03fff000.00001000
        psr-implementation:  00000000
        psr-version:  00000005
        implementation:  00000000
        version:  00000005
        ecache-line-size:  00000020
        ecache-nlines:  00004000
        ecache-associativity:  00000001
        cache-line-size:  00000020
        cache-nlines:  00000200
        page-size:  00001000
        dcache-line-size:  00000020
        dcache-nlines:  00000200
        dcache-associativity:  00000001
        icache-line-size:  00000020
        icache-nlines:  00000200
        icache-associativity:  00000001
        ncaches:  00000002
        mmu-nctx:  00000100
        sparc-version:  00000008
        mask_rev:  00000023
        device_type:  'cpu'
        name:  'FMI,MB86907'