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livebox:hah_hahnode:bluenode [2014/01/20 08:43] – [Configuration] brettlivebox:hah_hahnode:bluenode [2014/02/12 09:44] – [Theory of operation] minerva9
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 ===== Theory of operation ===== ===== Theory of operation =====
-The BlueTooth unit is connected to a JeeNode and it will perform an inquiry check for available devices every 30 seconds.  As each device reports in its device ID will be transmitted via the RFM12B. A total of 6 bytes are needed to represent the 48 bit address, to a receiving unit.+The BlueTooth unit is connected to a JeeNode and it will perform an inquiry check for available devices every 30 seconds.  As each device reports inits device ID will be transmitted via the RFM12B. A total of 6 bytes are needed to represent the 48 bit address, to a receiving unit.
 On the receiver side the RF is decoded and transmitted as an ASCII string out the serial port for decoding. On the receiver side the RF is decoded and transmitted as an ASCII string out the serial port for decoding.
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 ===== Data Flow ===== ===== Data Flow =====
 +With Serial debugging enable on the bluenode sketch this is the sample output.
 +[BlueNode.1] - RF disabled
 +SYNC> AT+NAME=blueNode
 +SYNC> AT+INQM=0,5,15
 +device=12:37:E90912 type=520204 rssi=7FFF
 +The ERROR:(17) can be safely ignore that just means the SPP profile lib has already been initialized.
 +You will notice the RF module is disable, that due to me running the bluetooth device attached to my arduino which does not have any RF device on it so I disabled that code whilst testing.
 A packet will arrive on the Receiver.  The first byte is the sender node ID, in this case its node 18.  The remaining data is the Device ID packed into 6 bytes. A packet will arrive on the Receiver.  The first byte is the sender node ID, in this case its node 18.  The remaining data is the Device ID packed into 6 bytes.
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 module(...,package.seeall) module(...,package.seeall)
 local monitor = require("xap.jeenode").monitor local monitor = require("xap.jeenode").monitor
-RoomNode = require("xap.roomnode").RoomNode+RoomNode = require("xap.roomnode")
 BlueNode = require("xap.bluenode") BlueNode = require("xap.bluenode")
 </code> </code>
  • livebox/hah_hahnode/bluenode.txt
  • Last modified: 2014/02/18 10:42
  • by minerva9