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livebox:xapflash [2017/01/17 20:39] brettlivebox:xapflash [2017/01/17 20:41] brett
Line 398: Line 398:
 Parent tag locations: Parent tag locations:
-  * config.xml: ''<joggler> <layout> <defaults>'' +  * config.xml: ''%%<joggler> <layout> <defaults>%%'' 
-  * xapconfig.xml: ''<joggler> <layout> <defaults>'' +  * xapconfig.xml: ''%%<joggler> <layout> <defaults>%%'' 
-  * config.xml: ''<joggler> <override> <layout> <defaults>''+  * config.xml: ''%%<joggler> <override> <layout> <defaults>%%''
 Here we establish the baseline for our visual components to create a common look and feel and to reduce the amount of repetition in their specification. Here we establish the baseline for our visual components to create a common look and feel and to reduce the amount of repetition in their specification.
Line 407: Line 407:
 ^^ Parent tag ^^ Allowed child tags ^^ Description ^^ ^^ Parent tag ^^ Allowed child tags ^^ Description ^^
-|| <label> || <font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha> <offset> || || +|| %%<label>%% || %%<font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha> <offset>%% || || 
-|| <bsctext> || <font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha>|| || +|| <bsctext> || %%<font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha>%%|| || 
-|| <button> || <font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha>|| || +|| %%<button>%% || %%<font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha>%%|| || 
-|| %%<textBox>%% || <font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha> <align> || || +|| %%<textBox>%% || %%<font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha> <align>%% || || 
-|| <time> || <font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha> <show> || || +|| <time> || %%<font> <fontsize> <fontcolour> <alpha> <show>%% || || 
-|| <button> || <style> <height> <width> <alpha> || ||+|| %%<button>%% || %%<style> <height> <width> <alpha>%% || ||
 Details about the children Details about the children
 ^^ Tag ^^ Description ^^ ^^ Tag ^^ Description ^^
-|| <font> || The name of a Font available from inside Flash. **Default: Verdana** ||+|| %%<font>%% || The name of a Font available from inside Flash. **Default: Verdana** ||
 || <fontsize> || the size of the font.  **Default: 14** || || <fontsize> || the size of the font.  **Default: 14** ||
 || <fontcolour> || A Hex triple in the format 0xRRGGBB \\ \\ Default: \\ label,textBox: 0xFFFFFF\\ bsctext,time: 0xFFFFCC || || <fontcolour> || A Hex triple in the format 0xRRGGBB \\ \\ Default: \\ label,textBox: 0xFFFFFF\\ bsctext,time: 0xFFFFCC ||
Line 423: Line 423:
 || <show> || valid values: true, false. **Default: true** || || <show> || valid values: true, false. **Default: true** ||
 || <offset> || This is the vertical offset of the label from its default - just below the button position (positive or negative, you can also use the word 'centre' to auto compute an offset. || || <offset> || This is the vertical offset of the label from its default - just below the button position (positive or negative, you can also use the word 'centre' to auto compute an offset. ||
-|| <style> || Defines the look and feel for the button.  see [[#the 'style' tag]] ||+|| %%<style>%% || Defines the look and feel for the button.  see [[#the 'style' tag]] ||
 || <width> || Default width || || <width> || Default width ||
 || <height> || Default height || || <height> || Default height ||
  • livebox/xapflash.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/01/17 21:35
  • by brett