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atmel:n76e003 [2019/09/28 22:26] minerva9atmel:n76e003 [2019/09/28 22:36] minerva9
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-Note: Whilst the above picture is a good overview, it doesn't make it clear that the memory can be split into 'code space' (APROM) and 'bootloader space' (LDROM).+Note: Whilst the above picture is a good overview, it doesn't make it very clear that the memory can be split into 'code space' (APROM) and 'bootloader space' (LDROM).
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 The board that I have (as pictured above) measures about 42mm x 30mm. It's pretty small, yet space has been made for four M3 mounting holes. The board that I have (as pictured above) measures about 42mm x 30mm. It's pretty small, yet space has been made for four M3 mounting holes.
-The chip is centrally positioned. This board has a Mini-B USB connector fitted. Seems that this is just used to feed 5V to the board - the data lines on the connector don't seem to be hooked up to anything. A surface mounted LED lights up when power is applied via the Micro-B. The other LED on the board is attached (via a resistor) to port pin P15 - the Jumper 'J2' needs to be fitted if you want to drive this LED. +The chip is centrally positioned. This board has a mini-B USB connector fitted. Seems that this is just used to feed 5V to the board - the data lines on the connector don't seem to be hooked up to anything. A surface mounted LED lights up when power is applied via the mini-B. The other LED on the board is attached (via a resistor) to port pin P15 - the Jumper 'J2' needs to be fitted if you want to drive this LED. 
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 The chip can work at supply voltages between 2.4V and 5.5V. The board uses a AMS1117 3.3V regulator to drop the 5V USB fed line. Not sure why they bothered, but there we have it. I've seen a variant of this board that is fitted with a 5V/3.3V selector switch. The chip can work at supply voltages between 2.4V and 5.5V. The board uses a AMS1117 3.3V regulator to drop the 5V USB fed line. Not sure why they bothered, but there we have it. I've seen a variant of this board that is fitted with a 5V/3.3V selector switch.
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 === Some ideas === === Some ideas ===
-This chip has both user program and bootloader areas. It should be possible to use the Nuvotron supplied serial bootloader to allow the board to be programmed via a standard USB to serial port adaptor.+This chip has both user program and bootloader areas. It should be possible to use the Nuvoton supplied serial bootloader to allow the board to be programmed via a standard USB to serial port adaptor.
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 ToDo: Need to find out if the board comes pre-supplied with a bootloader.   ToDo: Need to find out if the board comes pre-supplied with a bootloader.  
  • atmel/n76e003.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/10/07 14:08
  • by minerva9