
Cybiko Memory Map v1.0121

By Jeff Frohwein

The Cybiko uses a Hitachi H8S/2241 as the main CPU.
It operates in Advanced mode #6.

V1 = Version 1 cybiko Hardware Only
V2 = Version 2 cybiko Hardware Only

Whole Range

  | Cybiko Classic (V2) - Memory Map    |
  | 000000 - 007FFF | rom               |
  | 008000 - 00FFFF | 17 51 17 51 ..    |
  | 010000 - 0FFFFF | flash mirror      |
  | 100000 - 13FFFF | flash             |
  | 140000 - 1FFFFF | flash mirror      |
  | 200000 - 23FFFF | ram               |
  | 240000 - 3FFFFF | ram mirror        |
  | 400000 - 5FFFFF | FF FF FF FF ..    |
  | 600000 - 600001 | lcd               |
  | 600002 - DFFFFF | FF FF FF FF ..    |
  | E00000 - FFDBFF | keyboard          |
  | FFDC00 - FFFFFF | onchip ram & regs |
Note1: Internal 512KByte File Flash & Expansion Card 1MByte
      File Flash are not memory mapped. They are accessed
      through a serial buss.
Note2: Memory areas that repeat are an artifact that's
      caused by simple hardware design techniques. It
      is not a good idea to rely upon these areas since
      they can disappear in future hardware versions.
  • cybiko/memorymap.txt
  • Last modified: 2009/11/27 17:54
  • by