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livebox:hah_hahnode:nanode_gateway [2013/06/02 05:07] brettlivebox:hah_hahnode:nanode_gateway [2013/06/02 05:34] brett
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 ====== Nanode Gateway ====== ====== Nanode Gateway ======
-{{ :livebox:hah_hahnode:dropshadownanode1.jpg}}+The Nanode is an RF enabled, and Ethernet enabled, AVR328P boards using the same development tools as the Arduino.  The RF chip is the same as that used the JeeNodes so this unit makes an ideal embedded gateway for automation.
-What this does is it accepts an RF packet and dump the same format xAP message onto the Ethernet as the [[livebox/xap_serial]] program would do.+{{:livebox:hah_hahnode:nanode_block.png|}}
-This one embedded device can replace the base jeenode + xap-serial running on the livebox as a standalone solution.+How we are going to use this it to have it pretend to be an [[livebox/xap_serial]] device.  This way we don't need to constantly change its firmware when new Nodes are added or removed onto the network.  Nor do we need to change its firmware if new types of messages are introduced.  All this backend encoding/decoding will be taken care by our LUA scripting engine.
-Here is 20,000 ft view of how it fits into the network.+===== Architecture ===== 
 +This one embedded device can replace the base jeenode + xap-serial running on the livebox.  The diagram below shows on the left the traditional livebox solution using Base node to receive RF communication which is relayed to xap-serial and on the right how this can be done using just a Nanode.
 {{:livebox:hah_hahnode:nanodegateway.png|}} {{:livebox:hah_hahnode:nanodegateway.png|}}
 This device acts as a pseudo xap-serial service and will transmit a packet conforming to the xAP Serial Schema, however as its not been programmed to be a true xap-serial device it will only generate Serial.Received class messages. This device acts as a pseudo xap-serial service and will transmit a packet conforming to the xAP Serial Schema, however as its not been programmed to be a true xap-serial device it will only generate Serial.Received class messages.
 +===== Operation =====
 Once the firmware is flashed the only details that requires configuration are the NODE ID, Group and RF Frequency these must be done via the serial interface use to flash the device.  The firmware will obtain an IP address via DHCP. Once the firmware is flashed the only details that requires configuration are the NODE ID, Group and RF Frequency these must be done via the serial interface use to flash the device.  The firmware will obtain an IP address via DHCP.
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 } }
 </code> </code>
 +An RF packet that can be decoded will be emitted using the pseudo port /dev/ttyUSB0 this is to allow easier integration into the Livebox LUA plugboard backend where the full decode of the data stream is performed.
 +data=OK 3 50 1 178 0
 +Integration into the [[livebox/hah_hahnode#configuring_the_jeenodeappletlua|jeenodeApplet.lua]] require a minor change.
 +function init()
 +   monitor({ target="dbzoo.nanode.gateway", port="/dev/ttyUSB0" },
 +           { [2] = RoomNode{base="dbzoo.nanode.jeenode:2", endpoints={lobat=1,temp=1,light=1},ttl=900},
 +             [3] = RoomNode{base="dbzoo.nanode.jeenode:3", endpoints={lobat=1,temp=1,light=1},ttl=900},
 +             [4] = RoomNode{base="dbzoo.nanode.jeenode:4", endpoints={lobat=1,temp=1,light=1},ttl=900},
 +             [7] = RoomNode{base="dbzoo.nanode.jeenode:7", endpoints={lobat=1,temp=1,humi=1},ttl=900}
 +           })
 +This configuration can be seen in the xFxViewer output with corresponding nanode gateway packets also being shown.
  • livebox/hah_hahnode/nanode_gateway.txt
  • Last modified: 2014/01/20 09:11
  • by brett