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livebox:xap_serial [2012/03/14 21:28] – [Bye Bye Standby Receiver] kevintlivebox:xap_serial [2012/05/04 11:43] – [Bye Bye Standby Receiver] minerva9
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 If you try to do something like opening a non-existent port, you will get a notification via a xAP message. If you try to do something like opening a non-existent port, you will get a notification via a xAP message.
 +The data= key supports escaping so that you can send non-printable characters the following are supported:
 +^^ Escape Sequence ^^ Hex ^^ Represents ^^ When ^^
 +|| \a || 0x07 || Bell (alert) || ||
 +|| \b || 0x08 || Backspace || ||
 +|| \f || 0x0c ||Form feed || ||
 +|| \n || 0x0a || New line || ||
 +|| \r || 0x0d || Carriage return || ||
 +|| \t || 0x09 || Horizontal tab || ||
 +|| \v || 0x0b || Vertical tab || ||
 +|| ''\\'' || 0x5c || Backslash || ||
 +|| \ooo || 0x## || An octal bit pattern  || ||
 +|| \x## || 0x## || A Hexadecimal number || build 307 ||
 ====== Examples ====== ====== Examples ======
Line 120: Line 133:
 ====== A short tutorial ====== ====== A short tutorial ======
-I have a little microcontroller project that works as an RF receiver. It can decode signals sent by the [[|Bye Bye StandBy]] (BBSB) range of RF handheld controllers, PIR units and switches.  +I have a little microcontroller project that works as an RF receiver. It can decode signals sent by the [[|Bye Bye StandBy]] (BBSB) or HomeEasy (HE) range of RF handheld controllers, PIR units and switches.  
 +Note that any one receiver can be configured to decode either HE or BBSB, not both at the same time (a chip change is required to swap protocols). \\
 {{}} {{}}
-Currently, it simply outputs any received code to a serial port on the micro board. This is interesting, but not really of much practical use. What I’m looking to do is to have the BBSB sensors and switches fully interact with the other facilities that are controlled by my HAH.+Currently, it simply outputs any received code to a serial port on the micro board. This is interesting, but on its own is not really of much practical use. What I’m looking to do is to have the BBSB sensors and switches fully interact with the other facilities that are controlled by my HAH.
 For example, it would be handy to be able to identify a particular BBSB PIR being triggered and then activate a, HAH connected, RF mains socket to turn on a light. For example, it would be handy to be able to identify a particular BBSB PIR being triggered and then activate a, HAH connected, RF mains socket to turn on a light.
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 Before you connect the micro, just plug the USB adaptor into the USB port on the side of the HAH (the port next to the two pushbuttons). \\ {{:livebox:livebox-reset.jpg|usb and reset buttons}}  Before you connect the micro, just plug the USB adaptor into the USB port on the side of the HAH (the port next to the two pushbuttons). \\ {{:livebox:livebox-reset.jpg|usb and reset buttons}} 
-\\ Now, telnet into the HAH and issue the ‘dmesg’ command. If the USB adaptor has been recognized, you should see something along the lines of …+\\ Now, telnet into the HAH and issue the ‘dmesg’ command. If the USB adaptor has been recognised, you should see something along the lines of …
 <code> <code>
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 In testing, it has been noted that occasionally the very first in a series of messages presents an incorrect housecode. However, subsequent transmissions are good. Easy enough to filter out in the script. In testing, it has been noted that occasionally the very first in a series of messages presents an incorrect housecode. However, subsequent transmissions are good. Easy enough to filter out in the script.
 {{tag>livebox avr atmel arduino}} {{tag>livebox avr atmel arduino}}
 +KevinT put his RF receiver into a nice enclosure ... thanks to him for this [[|picture]].
  • livebox/xap_serial.txt
  • Last modified: 2014/02/16 05:56
  • by brett