
Cybiko ByteCode Instruction Set

by Jeff Frohwein, v1.0127
Some contributions by Robert Ang.

Text file download of the byte codes - Bytecode Instruction Set

* Indicates predicted, but not observed, instructions.

 For all of the following, zz = xx + yy.

00              seteq
01              setne
02              setlt
03              setle
04              setgt
05              setge
06              switch
07 xx           jump.c xx
08 xx           jumpz.c xx
09 xx           jumpnz.c xx
0a xx xx        calln.s ?
0b             *calli
0c xx           callx.b ?
0d xx xx        calls12.w ?
0e xx xx        calls3.w ?
0f              retf
10              retn
11 xx           retn.c xx
12 xx           stack.c xx
13              push
14              pop
15              move
16 xx           load.c xx
17 x1 x2        load.s x1x2
18 zz           leal.b xx yy
19 ?           *leat.b
1a xx xx        leag.u ? 0
1b              loadic
1c              loadis
1d              loadil
1e              storeic
1f              storeis
20              storeil
21 zz           loadlc.b xx yy
22 zz           loadls.b xx yy
23 zz           loadll.b xx yy
24 ?           *loadtc.b
25 ?           *loadts.b
26 ?           *loadtl.b
27 zz           storelc.b xx yy
28 zz           storels.b xx yy
29 zz           storell.b xx yy
2a ?           *storetc.b
2b ?           *storets.b
2c ?           *storetl.b
2d              inc1
2e              inc2
2f              inc4
30              dec1
31              dec2
32              dec4
33              lshift1
34              lshift2
35              rshift1
36              rshift2
37              add
38              sub
39              neg
3a              mul
3b              div
3c              mod
3d              and
3e              or
3f              xor
40 x1 x2        jump.s x1x2
41 x1 x2        jumpz.s x1x2
42 x1 x2        jumpnz.s x1x2
43              load0
44              load1
45 x1 x2 x3 x4  load.l x1x2x3x4
46 xx           add.c xx
47 x1 x2        add.s x1x2
48 x1 x2 x3 x4  add.l x1x2x3x4
49 xx           cmpe.c xx
4a x1 x2        cmpe.s x1x2
4b x1 x2 x3 x4  cmpe.l x1x2x3x4
4c xx xx/x3 x4  calld12.w ? / .disp x3x4
4d xx xx/x3 x4  calld3.w ?  / .disp x3x4
4e              setz
4f              setnz
50              cwd
51              cbd
52 xx xx        loadgc.u ? 0
53 xx xx        loadgs.u ? 0
54 xx xx        loadgl.u ? 0
55 xx xx        storegc.u ? 0
56 xx xx        storegs.u ? 0
57 xx xx        storegl.u ? 0
58              load0p
59              load1p
5a xx           loadp.c xx
5b x1 x2        loadp.s x1x2
5c x1 x2 x3 x4  loadp.l x1x2x3x4
5d zz           lealp.b xx yy
5e ?           *leatp.b
5f xx xx        leagp.u ? 0
60              loadicp
61              loadisp
62              loadilp
63 zz           loadlcp.b xx yy
64 zz           loadlsp.b xx yy
65 zz           loadllp.b xx yy
66 ?           *loadtcp.b
67 ?           *loadtsp.b
68 ?           *loadtlp.b
69 xx xx       *loadgcp.u ? 0
6a xx xx        loadgsp.u ? 0
6b xx xx        loadglp.u ? 0
6c              load0m
6d              load1m
6e xx           loadm.c xx
6f x1 x2        loadm.s x1x2
70 x1 x2 x3 x4 *loadm.l x1x2x3x4
71 zz           lealm.b xx yy
72 ?           *leatm.b
73 xx xx        leagm.u ? 0
74             *loadicm
75              loadism
76              loadilm
77 zz          *loadlcm.b xx yy
78 zz           loadlsm.b xx yy
79 zz           loadllm.b xx yy
7a ?           *loadtcm.b
7b ?           *loadtsm.b
7c ?           *loadtlm.b
7d xx xx        loadgcm.u ? 0
7e xx xx        loadgsm.u ? 0
7f xx xx        loadglm.u ? 0
80 xx xx        leas.w ?
81 xx xx/x3 x4  lead.w ? / .disp x3x4
83              decic1
84              incic1
85              decis1
86              incis1
87              decil1
88              incil1
89              popadd
8a x1x2 x3x4.. *patch
8b xx          *loadic.b xx
8c xx           loadis.b xx
8d xx           loadil.b xx
8e xx           mul.c xx
8f xx           muladd.c xx
90 xx           jumple.c xx
91 xx           jumpge.c xx
  • cybiko/bytecodeinstructionset.txt
  • Last modified: 2009/11/27 17:54
  • by