DS18X20 Temperature sensors
BASCOM source code to measure and display the results of multiple 1-wire sensors on a bus.
The code is limited to 8 1-wire devices however if you wish to have more then you need to adjust the constant Max1wire and add an appropriate number of additional bytes to the dsid array. Dsid array len = 8 * max1wire.
If you have more then 1 device on the bus then you must use the power pin I found that parasytically no more than one could be driven. You're mileage may vary.
The LCD has not been configured for the AVR-SDK1 board
Reference was made to this work
- BASCOM application note: AN #111 - Dual Thermometer with the DS18b20
Source code
- ds18b20.zip - as shown below
- ds18b20-int.zip - Interrupt driven version.
'************************************************* '* Code to test DS18x20 '* The 1-wire bus pin is Port B.4 '* Tested 14th Dec 2008 with Bascom '* '* Will handle multiple DS18S20 or DS18B20 devices '* Brett England '************************************************* $regfile = "m8def.dat" $crystal = 8000000 ' we are using this frequency Declare Sub Convallt ' Convert T on ALL sensors Declare Sub Meas_to_cel(offset As Byte) Declare Sub Temp_to_decicel Declare Sub Disp_temp(cnt As Byte , Offset As Byte) ' Up to 8 devices - each having an 8 byte ROMID Const Max1wire = 8 Dim Dsid(64) As Byte ' Dallas ID 64bit inc. CRC Dim Sc(9) As Byte ' scratch pad Dim Cnt1wire As Byte ' Number of 1-wire devices found Dim Cel As Integer Dim Cel_frac_bit As Byte Dim Subzero As Byte Dim Temp As Integer 'Temp variables Dim B As Byte Dim B1 As Byte Dim B2 As Byte Dim I As Byte Dim W As Word Const Ds18b20_conf_reg = 4 ' constant to convert the fraction bits to cel*(10^-4) Const Ds18x20_fracconv = 625 ' DS18x20 ROM ID Const Ds18s20_id = &H10 Const Ds18b20_id = &H28 ' COMMANDS Const Ds18x20_convert_t = &H44 Const Ds18x20_read = &HBE Const Ds18x20_write = &H4E Const Ds18x20_ee_write = &H48 Const Ds18x20_ee_recall = &HB8 Const Ds18x20_read_power_supply = &HB4 'LCD config Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.3 , Db6 = Portc.4 , Db7 = Portc.5 , E = Portc.1 , Rs = Portc.0 Config Lcd = 16 * 1a Config 1wire = Pb.4 ' DS1820 on Port B.4 (mega8 pin 18) Cursor Off Cls Lcd "1-wire DS18x20" Wait 1 Cls ' Gather ROM ID for all 1-wire devices Cnt1wire = 1wirecount() If Cnt1wire > Max1wire Then Cnt1wire = Max1wire End If B = 1 Dsid(b) = 1wsearchfirst() For I = 1 To Cnt1wire B = B + 8 Dsid(b) = 1wsearchnext() Next ' Show what we found on the bus B1 = 1 B2 = 8 For I = 1 To Cnt1wire Cls If Dsid(b2) = Crc8(dsid(b1) , 7) Then Lcd "CRC OK sensor " ; I Waitms 500 Cls Lcd "ROM ID " For B = B1 To B2 Lcd Hex(dsid(b)) Next Else Lcd "CRC BAD sensor " ; I End If Wait 1 B1 = B1 + 8 B2 = B2 + 8 Next ' Monitor temperature sensors Do Convallt Waitms 750 B = 1 For I = 1 To Cnt1wire If Dsid(b) = Ds18s20_id Or Dsid(b) = Ds18b20_id Then ' Only process TEMP sensors 1wverify Dsid(b) 'Issues the "Match ROM " If Err = 1 Then Cls Lcd "18x20 not on bus" 'where did it go? Elseif Err = 0 Then 1wwrite Ds18x20_read Sc(1) = 1wread(9) If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then Call Disp_temp(i , B) If I < Cnt1wire Then ' if more 1-wire devices. Wait 1 End If End If End If End If B = B + 8 Next Loop End 'Makes the Dallas "Convert T" command on the 1w-bus configured in "Config 1wire = Portb. " 'WAIT 200-750 ms after issued, internal conversion time for the sensor 'SKIPS ROM - so it makes the conversion on ALL sensors on the bus simultaniously 'When leaving this sub, NO sensor is selected, but ALL sensors has the actual 'temperature in their scratchpad ( within 750 ms ) Sub Convallt 1wreset ' reset the bus 1wwrite &HCC ' skip rom 1wwrite Ds18x20_convert_t End Sub ' output is: ' - cel full celsius ' - fractions of celsius in millicelsius*(10^-1)/625 (the 4 LS-Bits) ' - subzero =0 positiv / 1 negativ Sub Meas_to_cel(offset As Byte) Dim Meas As Word Meas = 0 Meas = Makeint(sc(1) , Sc(2)) ' 18S20 is only 9bit upscale to 12bit If Dsid(offset) = Ds18s20_id Then Meas = Meas And &HFFFE Shift Meas , Left , 3 B1 = 16 - Sc(6) B1 = B1 - 4 Meas = Meas + B1 End If If meas.15 = 1 Then Subzero = 1 ' convert to +ve, (two's complement)++ Meas = Meas Xor &HFFFF Incr Meas Else Subzero = 0 End If If Dsid(offset) = Ds18b20_id Then B1 = Sc(ds18b20_conf_reg) ' clear undefined bit for != 12bit If B1.5 = 1 And B1.6 = 1 Then ' 12 bit ' nothing Elseif B1.6 = 1 Then ' 11 bit Meas = Meas And &HFFFE Elseif B1.5 = 1 Then '10 bit Meas = Meas And &HFFFC Else ' 9 bit Meas = Meas And &HFFF8 End If End If Cel = Meas Shift Cel , Right , 4 Cel_frac_bit = Meas And &HF End Sub ' input: cel, cel_frac_bit, subzero ' output: temp (as decicelsius) ' ie 289 = 28.9C Sub Temp_to_decicel Temp = Cel_frac_bit * Ds18x20_fracconv Temp = Temp / 1000 Cel = Cel * 10 Temp = Temp + Cel If Subzero = 1 Then Restore Rounding For B1 = 1 To 8 Read B2 If Cel_frac_bit = B2 Then Incr Temp Exit For End If Next End If End Sub ' Display the temperature ' INPUT: temp Sub Disp_temp(cnt As Byte , Offset As Byte) Call Meas_to_cel(offset) Call Temp_to_decicel Cls Lcd "TEMP " ; Cnt ; " " If Subzero = 1 Then Lcd "-" Else Lcd "+" End If W = Temp / 10 B1 = Temp Mod 10 Lcd W ; "." ; B1 Lcd " C" End Sub Rounding: Data 1 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 14