
Atmel micro-processor

All projects in this section are built using an Atmel AT90S2313 micro-processor, although this has been superseded by the ATtiny2313 it's still a versatile and useful chip.

  • GpsLcd - Decoding the NMEA GPS protocol and displaying on an LCD
  • SMSRx - Connecting a NOKIA 7110 to an AVR board. SMS messages sent to the phone will displayed on a large LCD panel wired to the board.
  • RelayController - Connecting an Opto-Isolated Relay Board to an AVR development board.
  • SMSRelayController - Connecting an Opto-Isolated Relay Board to an AVR development board and controlling its operation using Text messages (SMS).
  • ds18b20-2313 - Temperature monitoring
  • AVR-SDK1 - Using the AVR-SDK1 development board with BASCOM
  • ds18b20 - Temperature sensing multiple slave DS18B20/DS18S20 1-wire devices
  • spinner - An LCD character spinner



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  • atmel/atmel.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/09/28 17:17
  • by minerva9